

Short Bibliography 

Σύντομη Βιβλιογραφία 

Kısa Bibliografya 







Tencere Dibin Kara, Türk Yunan İlişkilerine bir Önsöz[The pot called the cattle black, an introduction to Greek-Turkish relations], Istanbul: Amaç, 1989; and the extended second edition: Türk Yunan İlişkilerine bir Önsöz (An Introduction to Greek-Turkish Relations], Istanbul: Kavram, 1995. 

Yunan Ulusunun Doğuşu [The birth of the Greek Nation], Istanbul: İletişim, 1994 (+1996, 1999, 2015).  

Ελληνοτουρκικό Λεξικό / Yunanca-Türkçe Sözlük [Greek-Turkish Dictionary] (συμμετοχή/katkı/contribution), Αthens: Ροδαμός, 1994

Ayvalık ve Venezis [The city of Ayvalik and Venezis], Istanbul: İletişim, 1998  

Türk Romanı ve ‘Öteki - Ulusal Kimlikte Yunan İmajı [The Turkish Novel and the “Other”- The Image of the Greeks in national identity], Istanbul: Sabancı, 2000. 

Εικόνες Ελλήνων και Τούρκων - σχολικά βιβλία, ιστοριογραφία, λογοτεχνία και εθνικά στερεότυπα[Images of Greeks and Turks - Textbooks, historiography, literature and national stereotypes], Athens: Alexandria, 2001 (+2005).

Do’s and Don’t’s for Better Greek-Turkish Relations, Athens: Papazissis, 2002. (Available also in Greek and Turkish)

Daha İyi Türk-Yunan İlişkileri İçin Yap-Yapma Kılavuzu, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı, 2002

Τι Πρέπει,Τι Δεν Πρέπει, Οδηγός συμπεριφοράς για καλύτερες ελληνοτουρκικές σχέσεις, Athens: Papazissis, 2002 

Göç, Rumlar’ın Anadolu’dan  Mecburi Ayrılışı [The expulsion of the Greeks from Anatolia], (Edit.), Istanbul: İletişim, 2001 (+2002, 2003, 2014) (together with Damla Demirözü)

Geçmişten Bugüne Yunanlılar – Dil, Din ve Kimlikler [The Greeks from Antiquity to This Day - Language, Religion and Identities], Istanbul: İletişim, 2003 (+2004, 2014)

The Imagined Other as National Identity – Greeks and Turks, Ankara: CSDP-European Commission, 2004. Also in: H. Millas. Nations and Identities – The Case of Greeks and Turks, Istanbul: Bilgi University Press, 2016.

Çağdaş Yunan Edebiyatı – Ozanlar, yazarlar, söyleşileri, çevirileri [Modern Greek Literature – Poets, writers, interviews and translations],   Istanbul: Dünya, 2005.

Türk ve Yunan Romanlarında Öteki ve Kimlik [The “Other” and Identity in Turkish and Greek novels], Istanbul: İletişim, 2005.

Κατάλογος Κοινών Ελληνικών και Τουρκικών Λέξεων, Εκφράσεων και Παροιμιών [Catalog of Common Greek and Turkish words, expressions and proverbs], Athens: Papazissis, 2008. 

Türkçe Kitabımız, Batı Trakya’nın Edebiyatı, Gazete ve Dergi Metinleri [Textbook: Our Turkish Book, The literary texts, newspapers and journals of Western Thrace], Program of PEM, Athens, 2008  

 Zamandan Bir Ses – Milliyetçi Olmayan Yorumlar, 2002-2008 [A Voice from Time – Non-Nationalist Themes, 2002-2008], Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2009.

Sözde Masum Milliyetçilik [The so-called innocent nationalism], edit., Istanbul: Kitap Publisher, 2010.  And the Greek version: O ‘Αθώος’ Εθνικισμός, Athens: Alexandria, 2019.

Türkçe-Yunanca Ortak Kelimeler, deyimler ve atasözleri [Catalog of Common Turkish and Greek words, expressions and proverbs], Istanbul: Istos Publisher, 2012 (+2017).

Nations and Identities – The Case of Greeks and Turks, Istanbul: Bilgi, 2016.

Ο Οικογενειακός Τάφος [The Family Grave], Athens: Gavriilidis, 2018.

H ‘Νέα Τουρκία’ εκ των έσω [New Turkey from Inside] (edit.), Athens: Sideris, 2019.

O ‘Αθώος’ Εθνικισμός [The ‘Innocent’ Nationalism], (edit.) Athens: Alexandria, 2019.

O Ευάγγελος Τσοτσόλης, Ευχαριστώ για την παρέα κύριε (edit), Atina: Εταιρεία Μελέτης της Καθ’ Ημάς Ανατολής, 2019. 

Aile Mezarı [The Family Grave], Istanbul: Doğan, 2020

Ανήκομεν εις την Ανατολήν, 89% [We belong to the East, 89%], Athens: Sideris, 2022. 

National Myths in Greece, London: Transnational Press, 2023. The Turkish version: Yunanistan’da Milli Mitoslar. Istanbul: İletişim, 2024. 







(From Greek into Turkish)


O. Elitis, Üç Kitaptan Şiirler, İstanbul: Cem Yayınevi, 1980. (O.  Ελίτης, Επιλογές)

O. Elitis, Görünmez Bir Nisan Ayının Günlüğü, İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları, 1991 (Ο. Ελίτης, Ημερολόγιο Ενός Αθέατου Απριλίου)

Y. Ritsos, Boyun Eğmeyen Ülke, Ankara: Çark Yayınları, 1979 (Γ. Ρίτσος,  Ανυπόταχτη Πολιτεία)

Y. Ritsos, Dikkatli Ariostos, İstanbul: De Yayınları, 1987 (Γ. Ρίτσος,  Aρίοστος ο Προσεχτικός)

Y. Ritsos, Rumluk, İstanbul: Varlık Yayınevi, 1989 (Γ. Ρίτσος, Ρωμιοσίνη)

 Y. Ritsos, Erotika, İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları, 1989 (+1993) (Γ. Ρίτσος, Τα Ερωτικά)*

Y. Ritsos, Şiirler, İstanbul: Varlık yayınları, 1983 (+2000)  (Γ. Ρίτσος, Επιλογές)*

Y. Ritsos, Rumluk; Yaşlı Kadınlar ve Deniz, Kırmızı, İstanbul, 2010

Y. Seferis, Bütün Şiirleri, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul, 1990 (+2000) (Γ. Σεφέρης, Άπαντα) 

K. Kavafis, Bütün Şiirleri, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul, 1990 (+1998) (Κ. Καβάφης, Άπαντα)*   (+ Sia Yayıları, 2021).

N. Gatsos, Bütün Şiirlerinden Seçmeler, İstanbul: Kavram, 1995 (Ν. Γκάτσος, Αμοργός και Επιλογές)

A. Adamopulos, Oniki Artı Bir Yalan, Ankara: İmge, 2000 (A. Αδαμόπουλος, Δώδεκα Και Ενα Ψέματα)

Pandelis Efthimou, Umut, Elde Var Bir, İstanbul, Adam, 2001 (Παντελής Ευθυμίου, Ελπίδα, Ένα το Κρατούμενο)

Y. Ritsos. Rumluk, Yaşlı Kadınlar ve Deniz.  (Ρωμιοσίνη κ.α.), İstanbul, Kırmızı, 2009.*

Kostas Varnalis. Yakan Işık, İstanbul: Istos, 2014.

Κ. Κavafis, Bütün Şiirleri, Sia Kitap, İstanbul, 2021


(From Τurkish into Greek)


Ναζμί Ακιμάν, Σαν Να Ράντιζε Νερό, Αθήνα: Υάκινθος, 1987 (Nazmi Akıman, Su Serper Gibi, Seçmeler)**

Οζντεμίρ Ιντζέ, Ζωδιακός Κίκλος, İstanbul: 1000 Tane Yayınları,, 1989 (Ö. İnce,  Burçlar Kuşağı)**

Γιουνούς Εμρέ, Πάλι Ξεχείλισες Τρελλή Καρδιά, Αθήνα: Φλώρος, 1995 (Yunus Emre, Güldeste)**

Τζαν Γιουτζέλ, Επιλογές, Αθήνα: Γαβριηλήδης, ,2002 (+2002) (Can Yücel, Seçmeler) 


Note/Σημείωση/ Not:

* Common translation with/Κοινή μετάφραση/ ortak çeviri Ö. İnce

** Βilingual edition/iki dilde/δίγλωσση έκδοση




(From Greek into Turkish)


E. Petropoulos. Yunanistan'da Türk Kahvesi İstanbul:İletişim, 1995 (Ο Τουρκικός Καφές εν Ελλάδι), And in Kırmızıkedi Yayınları, 2019.

I. Venezis, Ayvalık ve Venezis, İstanbul: İletişim, 1998 (H. Βενέζης, Επιλογές)

R. Galanaki, İsmail Ferik Paşa’nın Hayatı, İstanbul: İletişim, 1999 (Ρ. Γαλανάκη, Ο Βίος του Ισμαήλ Φερίκ Πασά)

Alexis Heraklides, Yunanistan ve “Doğu’dan Gelen Tehlike” Türkiye, İstanbul:İletişim Yayınları, 2002 (Η Ελλάδα και ο Εξ Ανατολών Κίνδυνος) (with Mihalis Vasilyadis) 

Akilas Millas, Oğlunuz Yorgos Savaşırken Öldü, İstanbul, Kitap Publisher, 2004 (Α. Μήλλας, Έπεσεν Ηρωικώς…)

Nikos Dimu. Ne Mutsuz Yunanım Diyen! İstanbul: İstos, 2017. (Η Δυστυχία  του να είσαι Έλληνας)




Various articles (in English, Greek, Turkish and two in French)

- means in English (or French) 


- ‘China’s Foreign Policy’, in Monthly Review, New York, April, 1977, pp. 58,59. 

- ‘Τι γράφουν τα τουρκικά και τα ελληνικά σχολικά βιβλία για τον ‘Άλλο’’. [‘What the Turkish and Greek textbooks say about the ‘Other’’], Athens: in Eleftheretopia newspaper, 24/2/1988.

- ‘Greek-Turkish Friendship Commitee in danger” in Turkish Times, September, 28, 1989.

- ‘History Textbooks in Greece and Turkey’, London: in History Workshop, Spring 1991 (No. 31). 

- ‘Ulusçuluk ve Yunanistan Örneği’ [Nationalism and the Case of Greece], Ankara: in Yeni Marksizm ve Gelecek, 1994 (No. 2).

- `The French Revolution in Turkish Textbooks’, in Bilder einer Revolution, Studien zur Internationalen Schulbuchforschung, Schriftenreihe des Georg-Eckert-Instituts, Frankfurt/Paris, 1994.

- ‘Yunanca’nın Türkçe Harflerle Yazılışı [How to write Greek using the Turkish alphabet] in Tarih Araştırmalar Dergisi 1992-1994, Ankara, 1994.

- ‘Human Rights in Textbooks of Turkey’, in Internationale Schulbuchforschung, Zeitschrift des Georg-Eckert-Instituts, Diesterweg, Frankfurt, 16 Jahrgang 1994.

- ‘Türkiye’de Etnosantrik Tarihçiliğin Pratik Sonuçları’ [‘The Practical Consequences of Ethnocentric History Teaching  in Turkey’] in Tarih Öğretimi ve Ders Kitapları [History Teaching and Textbooks], İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt, 1995.

-  ‘The Image of Greeks in Turkish Literature: Fiction and Memoirs’, in Oil on Fire?, Studien zur Internationalen Schulbuchforschung, Schriftenreihe des Georg-Eckert-Instituts, Hanover: Verlag Hansche Buchhandlung, 1996.

- ‘Yunanistandaki Foçalılar: Sözlü Tarih ve Kimlik [The Phoceans of Greece: Oral history and identity] in Geçmişten Günümüze Foça [Past to Present Foça], Foça: Municipality and Ege University, 1997.

- ‘Poulton, Hugh. Top Hat, Grey Wolf and Crescent – Turkish Nationalism and the Turkish Republic’ in Synthesis: Review of Modern Greek Studies, Vol.2, 1,1997

- ‘The Mythical Past and the Tense Present: Education in Greece and Turkey, in Culture and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe, Intermational Conference, Thessaloniki: Paratiritis (June 26-29, 1997).

- ‘Ulusal Kimlikler, Türkler ve Yunanlılar’ [‘National Identities, Turks and Greeks’], İstanbul: in Defter,  Winter 1998 (No. 32). 

- In Αυγή (Avgi) Newspaper, Athens: ‘Οι ελληνοτουρκικές σχέσεις και εμείς’, 6/4/1997. ‘Ο Διάλογος και το Σύνδρομο Ζυρίχης’, 23/11/1997. ‘Ο Καθημερινός μας Τούρκος’, 28/12/1997. ‘Ο Ρήγας και οι Εχθροί του’, 26/4/1998. The articles deal with the image of the Turks in Greece and the headings are: ‘We And The Greek-Turkish Relations’, ‘The Dialog and the Zurich Syndrome’, ‘Our Daily Turk’, ‘Rigas and his Enemies’. 

- ‘Yurttaş ve Azınlık Olarak İstanbul Rumları’ [‘The Greeks of Istanbul as Citizens and as a Minority Group’], Istanbul: in Varlık, 1/2/1997 (No. 1073).

- ‘Türk Ders Kitaplarında Yunanlılar: Bütünleştirici bir Yaklaşım’ [Greeks in Turkish Textbooks: The Way for an Integrationary Approach], in Tarih Öğretimi ve Tarihte ‘Öteki’ Sorunu [History Teaching and the ‘Other’ in History], Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt, 1998. 

- ‘Les Romans, Les Femmes et Les Relations Gréco-Turques’, in Nancy: Genese/Oluşum, August 1999 (No. 60-61).  

- ‘Edebiyat Metinlerinde Milliyetçi Tarih Söylemi’ [Nationalist Discourse in Literary Texts] in Tarih ve Milliyetçilik, 1inci Ulusal Tarih Kongresi, Bildiriler [History and Nationalism, 1st National History Congress, Notes of Meetings], Mersin: Mersin University, 1999.

- ‘1998 Yunanistan Basınında Türkiye’ [Turkey in the Turkish Press of 1998] in Bilanço 1923-1998, Z. Rona (Edit.), İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı, 1999.

- ‘Greek-Turkish Conflict and Arsonist Firemen’ in Istanbul : New Perspectives on Turkey, Spring 2000 (No 22).

- ‘Devrim ve Sanat [Revolution and Art] in Atatürk ve Sanat [Atatürk and Art], Istanbul: Altın Portakal Kültür Vakfı, 2000.

- ‘Human rights, Democracy and three famous trials’, in Human Rights in the 21st Century, Human Rights Defence Centre, Maria Vassiliou, Harry J. Psomiades (Edits.), Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens/Komotini, 2001.

- ‘Avrupabirliğileşebileceklerdeniz’ / Βeing able to be part of Europe (bilingual edition) in Modernleşme ve Çokkültürlülük / Modernity and Multiculturalism, Istanbul: Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği, 2001.

- ‘Non-Muslim Minorities in the Historiography of Republican Turkey: The Greek Case’, in The Ottomans and the Balkans: A Discussion of Historiography, Fikret Adanır and Suraiya Faroqhi (Edits.), Leiden: Brill, 2002. 

- ‘Milli Türk Kimliği ve ‘Öteki’ (Yunan)’ [The National Turkish Identity and the Other (the Greek)] in Tanıl Bora (Edit.), Modern Türkiye’de Siyasal Düşünce, Milliyetçilik, vol. 4, Istanbul: İletişim, 2002.  

- ‘Istanbul Rumları, Nasıl anılıyor, nasıl tartışılıyor?’ [The Greeks of Istanbul: the way they are remembered and discussed], in Görüş, Istanbul, October 2002.

- ‘The Exchange of Populations in Turkish Literature: The Undertone of Texts”, in Crossing the Aegean, An Appraisal on the 1923 Compulsory Populations Exchange Between Greece and Turkey, Renee Hirschon (Edit.), New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2003.

Geçmişten Bugüne Yunanlılar – Dil, Din ve Kimlikler [The Greeks from Antiquity to This Day - Language, Religion and Identities], İstanbul: İletişim, 2003.

- The Imagined Other as National Identity – Greeks and Turks, Ankara: CSDP-European Commission, 2004. Also in: H. Millas. - Nations and Identities – The Case of Greeks and Turks, Istanbul: Bilgi University Press, 2016.

- ‘National Perception of the Other and the Persistence of Some Images’ in Turkish-Greek Relations, The Security Dilemma in the Aegean, M. Aydın & K. Ifandis (Edits.), London & New York: Routledge, 2004.

- ‘The Mystery of Affectionate Chat Between Turks and Greeks’ in Voices for the Future, Civil Dialogue Between Turks and Greeks, Taciser Ulaş Belge, (Edit.),  Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2004.

- ‘A concealed polilitical debate –and ‘borrowings’ – in Greek and Turkish texts’ Presentation of Hercules Millas in the ‘Literary/cultural Festival’, Thessaloniki/ Istanbul, March 19/24/2004. Published in Southeast Europe Culture and Connections, Literary Readings and Critics’ Workshops, Thessaloniki/Istanbul: 2004.

- ‘The Other and Nation-building – The Testimony of Greek and Turkish Novels’, in Representations of the Other/s in the Mediterranean World and their Impact on the Region, N. K. Burçoğlu / S. G. Miller (Edits.), İstanbul, The Isis Pres, 2005.

- ‘Türk Edebiyatında  Nüfus Mübadelesi: Metinlerin Arkasındaki Fısıltı’ [“The Exchange of Populations in Turkish Literature: The Undertone of Texts] in Ege’yi Geçerken – 1923 Türk-Yunan Zorunlu Nüfus Mübadelesi [Crossing the Aegean, An Appraisal on the 1923 Compulsory Populations Exchange Between Greece and Turkey], Reneé Hirschon (Edit.), İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2005.

- ‘Vatandaşlık ve Öteki: Azınlıkların Mülkiyet Sorununun Eşitlik Açısından bir Değerlendirmesi [Citizenship and the Other: An appraisal of the problem of minority property with reference to equality] in Türkiye’de Azınlık Hakları Sorunu [The Problem of Minorities in Turkey], Istanbul: Tesev, 2005.

- `The image of the Greek minority of Istanbul in Turkish literature: past and recent tendencies` in Matthias Kappler (Edit.), Intercultural Aspects in and around Turkic Literatures, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2006.

- ‘A silenced aspect of the ‘peace journalism’: his/her national identity’ in Global Media Journal, Fall 2006 (presentation in Peace Journalism Conference , Nicosia, Nov, 11, 2006.

- ‘Tourkokratia: History and the Image of Turks in Greek Literature’ in South European Society and Politics, Routhledge, Volume 11, Number 1, March 2006. Also in When Greeks Think About Turks – The view from Anthropology, D. Theodossopoulos (Edit.), London & New York: Routledge, 2007.

- ‘Sir, why do the nationalists think like this?’, Donau 2007/1 Groningen, pp.42-51

- `The image of the Greek minority of Istanbul in Turkish literature: past and recent - tendencies` in Matthias Kappler (Edit.), Intercultural Aspects in and around Turkic Literatures, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2006.

- ‘Tasos Kostopoulos, War and Ethnic Cleansing, the forgotten aspect of a ten-year national crusade, 1912-1922’ in Athens: Bibliorama, 2007, p.319

-‘Reciprocity in National Paradigm’ in Reciprocity; Greek and Turkish Minorities, Law, Religion and Politics, Samim Akgönül (Edit.), Istanbul: Bilgi University Press, 2008.

-‘Ethnic Identity and Nation Building, On the Byzantine and Ottoman Historical Legacies’, in Europe and the Historical Legacies in the Balkans, R. Detrez & B. Segaert (Edits.), Bruxelles: PIE Peter Lang, 2008.

-‘History writing among Greeks and Turks: Imagining the Self and the Other’, in The Contested Nation, Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories, Stefan Berger & Chris Lorenz (Edits.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.  

- «Επικοινωνώντας με τον ‘Άλλο’ ή κατανοώντας τον ‘Εαυτό’: Έλληνες και Τούρκοι» [‘Communicating with the Other or Understanding the Self’] in Οριενταλισμός στα Όρια – Από τα Οθωμανικά Βαλκάνια στη Σύγχρονη Μέση Ανατολή[Orientalilsm at its Limits, From the Ottoman Balkans to Modern Middle East], Φ. Τσιμπιρίδου & Δ. Σταματόπουλος (Εdit.), Athens: Kritiki, 2008.  

- ‘Tormented by History: Nationalism in Greece and Turkey’, in South European Society & Politics  (Routledge), Vol 13, No. 4, Dec. 2008, pp.507-508

- ‘Πλεονεκτήματα και μειονεκτήματα στη Διδασκαλία της Γλώσσας του «Άλλου»: Ελληνικά, Τουρκικά’ [Advantages and Disadvantages when teaching the languge of the Other: Greek, Turkish] in Jack Burston, Monique Burston, Eftychios Gabriel, Pavlos Pavlou (Edits), Languages for International Dialogues, Nicosia: European Parliament Office in Cyprus and the Ministry of Education , 2008.  

- `Literary Canons and Promising Challenges: Greek and Turkish Novels` in Murat Belge & Jale Parla (Edits.) Balkan Literatures in the Era of Nationalim,  Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2009. 

- `Perceptions of Conflict: Greeks and Turks in each other’s mirrors` in O. Anastasakis, K. Nicolaidis, K. Öktem (Edits.), in  In the Long Shadow of Europe, Greeks and Turks in the Era of Postnationalism, Leiden, Biston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2009. 

- ’20. Yüzyıl Başında Kozmopolit Mersin ve Rumların Geçmişe Bakışı’ [Mersin at the Beginning of 20th century and a Retrospect of the Greeks] in Mersin, Akdeniz Dünyası ve Yirminci Yüzyıl [Mersin, The Mediterranean World and the Twentieth Century], Mersin: Mersin University, 2009.

- ‘Constructing Memories of Multiculturalism and Identities in Turkish Novels’, in Catharina Duff (Edit.), Turkish Literature and Cultural Memory – ‘Multiculturalism’ and as Literary Theme after 1980, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2009.

- ‘1908 Olaylarından Yüz Yıl Sonra  Rum Milletinin Rolü Nasıl Değerlendirilir?’ [How should the role of the Greek millet be evaluated  hundred years after the 1908 incidents?] in Sina Akşin, Sarp Balcı, Barış Ünlü (Edits.) 100. Yılında Jön Türk Devrimi [The Young Turks Revolution on the 100th Anniversary], İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, October 2010. 

- ‘Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi Tarihyazımında Gayrimüslim Azınlıklar: Yunan Örneği’ [Non-Muslim Minorities in the Historiography of Republican Turkey: The Greek Case] in Fikret Adanır and Suraiya Faroqhi (Edits.), Osmanlı ve Balkanlar, Bir Tarihyazımı Tartışması [The Ottomans and the Balkans: A Discussion of Historiography ], Istanbul: İletişim, 2011.

-‘Anılar’ [Memoirs] in Rıfat Bali (Edit.) Gayrimüslim Mehmetçikler, Hatıralar-Tanıklıklar [Non-muslim Turkish soldiers, Memoirs-Testimonies] , Istanbul: Libra, 2011. 

- ‘The Other Town, Why the nations clash’, attached to the DVD, 2011.

- ‘Μορφές «Οθωμανισμού» και πολιτικές στην Τουρκία’ [Forms of Ottomanism and politics in Turkey], in  The Athens Review of Books, October-November 2012.

- ‘L’image du Grec d’Istanbul dans la Littérature Turque’ In Le Lien Desmos Δεσμός,  Paris, 2012, Νο. 38.

- ‘Bizi iyi bilirdi… Sait Faik ve Rum/Yunan İmajı [He liked us… Sait Faik and the Image of the Greeks] in Bir Allame-i Cihan, Stefanos Yerasimos 1942-2005, Cilt 2, Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2012.

- ‘Söyleşi’ [Interview] in Futbol mu? Yok Daha Neler! [Football? Unbelivable!], Istanbul: Ithaki, 2012. 

- ‘Orhan Kemal ve Öteki’ [Orhan Kemal and the Other] in Orhan Kemal, Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı, 2012.

- ‘Osmanlı Sömürücü müydü diye Neden Sorarız?’ [Why do we ask if the Ottomans were exploiters?] in Dipnot, Sömürgecilik ve Emperyalizm, Issue 10, September 2012. 

 - ‘Tο σπίτι ως πατρίδα στον λόγο του Σεφέρη’ [Home as homeland in the discourse of Seferis], in The Athens Review of Books, June 2013.

- ‘Ο Βενέζης και ο εθνικισμός’ [Venezis and nationalism], in The Athens Review of Books, November 2013.

- ‘Yunanistan’dan Okunduğunda Stratejik Derinlik Kitabı’ [Strategic Depth of A. Davutoglu as read in Greece] in Baskın Oran (Edit.) Türk Dış Politikası, cilt 3 [Turkish Foreign Policy, Volume 3], Istanbul: İletişim, 2013. 

- ‘Τι συμβαίνει στην Τουρκία σήμερα;’ [What happens in Turkey presently], in  The Athens Review of Books, February 2014.

- ‘Robert College Students and National Identities, 1863-1938`, in The anatomy of a tradition: 150 years of Robert College, Edit: Cem Akas, Istanbul: Pera Museum, Istanbul, 2013

- ‘The Other Town: A documentary on ethnic controversies`, published in Turkish Review – July 30, 2013

- ‘Rethinking Greek-Turkish Relations: Conversations with My Greek and Turkish University Students’ in Vally Lytra (Edit.), When Greeks and Turks Meet, Interdisciplinary Perspectives o the Relationship Since 1923, London: Ashgade, 2014.  

‘Μια διαπολιτισμική συνάντηση: Ο Γκάτσος στα Τουρκικά’ [An interethnic encounter: Gatsos in Turkish]. In Ένας Χαμένος Ελέφαντας – Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου» [A Lost Elephant – Notes of an international meeting], Athens: Μουσείο Μπενάκη, 2015.  

- ‘Η εκθεμελίωση του τουρκικού κράτους’ [The uprooting of the Turkish state] in The Athens Review of Books, October 2016.

- ‘Πολιτικές Δίκες στην Τουρκία’ [Political trials in Turkey] in The Athens Review of Books, November 2017.

- ‘Neo-Ottomanism, a Book, and Bilateral Perceptions’ in G. Bayındır Goularas & H. Sezgin Erkan (Edits.), Rethinking Greek-Turkish Relations Since 1999, New York, London: Lexington Books, 2017. 

- ‘History for Nation-Building: The Case of Greece and Turkey’ in Mario Carretero, Stefan Berger & Maria Grever (Edits.), Palgrave Handbook of Research in Historical Culture and Education, London: Palgrave, Macmillan, 2017.

 - ‘Το Πραξικόπημα της 15 Ιουλίου 2016’ [The Coup of 15th July 2016], in The Athens Review of Books, February 2018.

- ‘Σαΐτ Φαΐκ: Εγώ δεν αγαπώ τις σημαίες αλλά τους ανθρώπους’ [I don’t like the flags but the human beings] in The Athens Review of Books, July-August 2018. 

- ‘Turkishness and the novel’ in Joep Leerssen (Edit.) Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, vol. 2, Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

- ‘Is the image of the “other” changing among Greeks and Turks? How fast and to what Extend? in Zuhal Mert Uzuner (Edit.) Roleof Images in Greek-Turkish Relations, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018.

- ‘Ποιος Ρήγας: Της Ελευθερίας ή της Ανεξαρτησίας;’ [Which Rigas? Of Liberty or of Independence] in The Athens Review of Books, February 2019.

- ‘Bir Muhrecin Hikâyesi ve Mitoslar’ [The story of an immigrant and the myths] in İstanbullu Rumlar ve 1964 Sürgünleri [The Greeks of Istanbul and the Exiled of 1964], İstanbul: İletişim, 2019.

- ‘Greek-Turkish differences and similarities – National stereotypes and their implications`, in Heraclides, A. & Çakmak, G. A. (Edit.) Grece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation, in Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation, New York: Routledge, 2019. 

- ‘Greece’ in The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Educatioon in the Post-Cold War Era, L. Cajani, S.Lassig, M. Repoussi (Edit.), Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan,  2019. 

- ‘Bilingualism and national identity: Prestigious versus unprestigious languages’ in Литературна Мисъл (Literary Thought), Bulgaria, 3/2019.  

The EU and the East-West Paradox, The case of Greece and Turkey’ in Barkhoff, Jürden and Leerssen, Joep (Edit), National Stereotyping, Identity Politics, European Crisis, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021, pp. 142-159.

- ‘Anatomy of a Populist Speech’ in Anatomy of a Populist Speech - ECPS (populismstudies.org). March 8, 2021.

- Populism and Incompetence in Updating the ‘System’ in https://www.populismstudies.org/populism-and-incompetence-in-updating-the-system/  December 26, 2023



  • This bibliography does not include newspaper articles, interviews, introductions in books, unpublished and video presentations. 
  • Bu  bibliyografya gazete yazılarını, söyleşileri, kitaplardaki önsözleri  yayınlanmamış ve video sunuşlarını  içermiyor.
  • Αυτή η βιβλιογραφία δεν περιλαμβάνει άρθρα εφημερίδων, συνεντεύξεις, προλόγους σε βιβλία, μη δημοσιευμένα και βίντεο παρουσιάσεις.